Sunday, July 24, 2016

My Connections to Play

I choose this two quotes because they simplify the importance of play. the first one lists the exact skills and traits that children experience when they freely play amongst themselves or within a group. The second one caught my eye because expresses the impact play have on young children's lives. It is through play that children are developing lifelong skills.

As a child, I enjoyed reading books, roller skating and playing with dolls. My love for reading established when I entered second grade. There was a book report contest going on in our school and I wanted to win a prize. So every day I would read a book, write my report and anxiously turned it into my teacher. My other favorite thing to do was roller skate. I would practice skating every day in my basement until I was ready to skate outside. I also enjoyed playing with my dolls. Caring for my dolls prepared me for motherhood.

My Younger Days

Growing up with my sisters were the best years of my life. It was the bond that was built amongst my sisters that help me to build other relationships. Play help to build my self- esteem as well. I was the quiet and timid one of the bunch. I would play by myself or with my sisters. As I grew older, I began to express myself more. In doing so I was able to meet new people and made lifelong connections. I remember coming outside and a few of my friends younger siblings would follow me around on the playground. Some would eventually start calling me their pretend mother. It was these interactions that my passion for working with children developed.

Play Then and Now

Play for children today involves more technology than I remember as a child. Children prefer to play video games, tablets or smartphones over games with rules and involve interactions with others. When I was growing up you knew when school was out because the children were outside playing until the street lights came on. Now parents fear for their children's safety due to the rise in violence.

For Me

Play has molded me into a big kid at heart. Because I had the opportunity to play as a child with various children, it is portrayed in the work I do with my students. I was giving the opportunity to explore as a child through play and it has given me skills I needed to grow into the adult I am today.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me because I feel a sense of support. I am an individual with a heart of Gold. With that being said, I love to help others out the kindness of my heart. Eventhough I'm a kind person, I still need that supportive relationship/partnership. One of my positive relationships develop from work. My best friend Ebony and I worked together for awhile before the friendship develop. When our work partnership ended we continued to reach out to each other thus the begining of our friendship. She is the one that i can talk too about anything. She was one of the first co-teachers i worked with to share the impact i made on their career as a child care professional.

Then there is my good friend Kali who I thought would be a little uptight. In all reality she is a very funny positive and supportive person. Her personality will light up a room. When we worked together the partnership was one that refelected years of polishing but in reality we were still learning one another. She made working with the children and famiies a joy because she always had something uplifting for us all,  Although I do not speak with these ladies on a normal basis, we maintain our friendship through emails, texts and social media. What i really love about these two woman, we dont have to speak on a daily basis. No matte the time of day, I
can always depend on them and vice versus.