Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

I have not personally experienced any bias, prejudice or oppression thus far in my life. Although it never convicted me in person, but I have witnessed it through media and movies. As I reflect on this issue, I recall a time when one of my co-workers shared an experience with me.  At the time her oldest son was a pre-teen in middle school. The school he attended was in an area where Caucasians were dominating race. One particular day after school her son was chased home by a gang. She continues to share that this gang was the skinheads. Now I have seen this gang in movies but never in reality.  She was truly upset that that happened to her son and proclaimed to address the issue the next day to the principal. 

To know that a child had to experience this makes my heart heavy. Unfortunately, this is something that happens throughout our society and even worldwide. I became uneasy for her son at the time of the incident because he was a victim of a senseless act. I became very angry the more I thought about it. I even thought how could I help him to get revenge on his attackers.  Although the incident happened around the school, there was not much the principal could do to get justice for him. But I think if the school collaborated with the community and educated those in the community as well the school then incidents such as this one wouldn't happen as much or not at all. Some people are blinded to the inequalities that others have to endure by them because they are exposed to such behavior on a daily basis.  

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