Saturday, January 21, 2017

My Family Culture

In the event that I was force to move to another country due to circumstances out of my control, I would take with me, my mom's memorial blanket, my dad's ashes and our family photos. I choose these items because they share the beginning memories of my parents. I look at my parents as the foundation that has started the culture of my family. Without their union there would be no me. They are the reason many traditions are continued throughout my immediate family.

With hopes of taking these items along on my journey to my new destination, I would feel heartbroken if I couldn't bring all of my items with me. Being denied the opportunity to bring all of my items that connect me to my culture, will prolong my ability to adjust to my new environment. One insight that I gained from learning about family cultures, is how important it is not just to me but to all families. We may ignore the settings in which they spend their time away from us, believing they are not very important. In fact the home environment greatly influences what goes on in school( Christian,2006,p.12).  As an early childhood professional I have  made every effort to support the child individually but i have learned that including the family in the process is just as important. 

Linda, G. C. (2006). Understanding families: Applying family systems theory to early childhood practice. YC Young Children, 61(1), 12-20. Retrieved from


  1. Brandi,
    I love your passion for you family, I lost my father two years ago and my sister 19 years ago. but it was hard for me to decide what I would take but I know that they are in my heart always.

  2. Brandi,
    Thanks for sharing. I know and feel how you would want a part of your family with you. My mother passed away a few years back and one of the things that I chose was a ring that she had that my grandmother had given her that was then passed down. This is something that I will cherish forever no matter what. Thanks for sharing.
