Sunday, January 29, 2017

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

For this week's Blog assignment  I interviewed my oldest daughter (16), my co-worker and a close friend. Each was asked to define diversity and culture. It surprised me to get such rapid responses from them. It was also amazing to see the resemblance on their answers to the resources I had the opportunity to read. Each of interviewees all defined culture as one's belief, practices, food, etc in one group. They defined diversity as one collective group of various ethnicities.  In the text, "Anti- Bias Education", a cultural group is related strongly to his or her ethnicity, which reflects the place of origin and cultural background of the person's ancestors(p.56). 

My daughter's response stuck out the most because she included economics as a part of defining someone's culture. Just as discussed in the video with the panel of early childhood professionals, Julie defined culture as one's race, ethnicity, economic and even language abilities. The one thing omitted from my interviewees' responses were the various levels in culture. You can be a part of a culture but be on a different cultural status amongst your own group. This could be due to language or economic as well. Upon completion of these interviews/ discussions, it allowed me to see how diverse each one's meaning of the two terms can be. That many are only familiar with the surface culture. Prior to this course,  I would have never thought that ethnic groups or culture as a whole can be so diverse.


Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


  1. I agree with your comments about culture being very different with in itself. I have found during this course that my definition was so broad and culture and diversity really is everything we do and believe in. Thank you for sharing, Kelly

  2. When you said, "Prior to this course, I would have never thought that ethnic groups or culture as a whole can be so diverse." I really could feel where you were coming from because, I have the same feelings about culture. Before this course I was really only scratching the surface.
