Saturday, May 7, 2016

Childrearing Methods

I can remember like it was yesterday when I gave birth to my first child. I was two days overdue, so one late evening I thought I was experiencing some abdomen discomfort from my dinner earlier so I laid back down ignoring the pain. Well, the pain just kept coming at a steady pace, so I alerted my mom and we proceeded to the hospital. This is one of my most memorable births because my mom was with me the entire time. She made sure that the staff provided me with the best medical care for my daughter and me especially after I had fallen after giving birth. I believe that childbirth can be very influential to a child's development.  It has been researched and studied how complications during childbirth can affect the development of children if not properly treated.
It was interesting to read on the birthing methods in china, especially the early years. In the article"Childbirth in Early Imperial China" childbirth could have had a positive or negative impact on the mother and family. If the birth was a success then  the family and the community could celebrate. On the other hand, if the mother died
 the child and the family lost support. If the child died it was only a matter of time that the mothers mind and body would be impacted. But as time progressed so did the medical care for childbirths in China. Hospitals were developed to care for pregnant women and their maternal care based on the economic status of the county or township.
After reading on the variations of childbirth compared to my personal birth experience and in China, I still  stand strongly on the connection between birth and development of young children. This is why prenatal care is  very important to the mom and fetus to ensure that both are growing healthy.

ReferencesJen-Der,L(2005).Childbirth in Early Imperial China.NAN NU--Men,Women and Gender in Early Imperial China,7(2),216-286

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