Sunday, May 29, 2016

Stressors in Young Children. Does it impact the development of the child?

As an educator, you will encounter various experiences with the children. One of the hardest things about this profession is dealing with any type of stressors that may rearrange a child's development. Over the past two years, I have had three of my students loose a loved one to senseless street violence. It's never easy trying to explain to a young child why someone very close to them will not be coming back.  One particular student I had was really having a hard time adjusting to the loss of her dad. She was beginning to be very argumentive with other children. She would sometimes even hit. Every day she had a new story about what she did with her father. So as a concerned teacher , I reached out to the mental health consultant. Later, with permission from the parent as well, she would spend time with the mental health consultant in school and at home to help her grief with her dad's death.

In other countries, such as China, the interactions with the teacher is very different from the United States. Their structure is more teacher lead instructions instead of children leading their play time. One thing they do not tolerate is violence in their classroom. Corporal punishment in schools was outlawed I China in 1986. The habit can easily slip into abuse,scholars say( Tatlow,2016). In China, parents believe in corporal punishment, and later in life, the children grow up to be violent and repeat the same behavior. 


 Tatlow, Didi Kirsten, 2016 March "China's Harsh Child Discipline Through the Lens of Domestic Violence"Retrieved from

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