Saturday, May 14, 2016


Immunization is something I thought was a mandatory requirement for young children. Children who are given immunizations are least likely to become exposed to other diseases.  As an educator, this topic is very important to me because the health of my students and other staff are at risk. I believe immunizations are beneficial for providing protection from viral outbreaks.  

In Latin America, they have developed a computerized registry that allows them to monitor vaccinations that are administered. These computerized communication technologies are called national immunization registries (NIRs) and can facilitate coverage monitoring in terms of particularity, timeliness, and accuracy. This has been shown to result I better coverage.

Although in my present position it is not my duty to enforce the health policy on immunization but we certainly utilize a system that allows us to keep track of the children’s attendance and health records. With this system, the proper authorities are capable of identifying when a child is due for their physical, dental or immunization checkup.


Immunization Registries in Latin America: Progress and Lessons Learned. (Cover story). (2012). Immunization Newsletter, 34(6), 1-2.

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