Sunday, October 16, 2016

International Contacts Part 3

This week I reached out to my international contact Jane, who lives in Kenya. I must say that I am very impressed with her drive and passion for the children in her community. She works really hard trying to educate her students. In our conversations in the past, we discussed the hardships she faces with trying to keep her families involved in the children's education.  With the demand of working overriding the need for education, she does the best she can do with the children and resources she has.

When we spoke about her professional goals she informed that there are places she can go for professional development, but they are too far way for her to attend. In order for her to attend the universities, she would have to to make a sacrifice, which she did not elaborate on.  But what intrigued me was Jane mentioned that she wants to obtain her education so that she can make an impact on her community. She believes that if the younger generation sees that she obtained her education that they would want to do the exact same thing. A humbling way of inspiring the youth in her country to shoot for the stars.

This conversation has raised the issue of the importance of education no matter what country you live in. Early childhood education is and will always be the foundation that education is built on for all cultures.

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