Sunday, March 26, 2017

Applying Communication 
As I reflect on the changes of my communication skills, I would have to say that I have not changed the way I communicate as much as I would like. Thus far in the course, I have gained a deeper understanding of why it's important to communicate effectively in the ECE field. I am able to differentiate the way I communicate with, colleagues, families and in my personal life.  
To expand on my communication between colleagues, there are a few co- workers that I consider family. So with that being said, we have our own language that we speak amongst each other. my supervisor has encouraged us that although we have a bond that is strong amongst us, we have to remain in our role at all times.When I communicate with my families I make sure that I present a professional attitude but it can be hard to do at times. 
Three strategies that I will implement when communicating with my colleagues and families are professionalism at all times, maintain eye contact and apply the platinum rule. In doing so my biggest hope is improve my communication skills with my families especially to ensure that I am helping to fulfill the goals that set forth for their child. Prior to this week's resources, I would have never thought to consider the way others would do in the situation when communicating with them. Implementing these strategies will also allow me to communicate better with my assistant as well.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Communication and Relationships

I don't watch a lot of T.V shows, so this assignment, I viewed a movie I never seen. So I watched half of "Central Intelligence" starring Kevin Hart and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson without any sound. From watching the first half in silence, I think their relationship was based on memories. As the character Bob reaches out to Calvin you can tell that he was excited to meet up with him. They shared hugs and smiles during their first interaction. As the movie progress on the relationship seems to take a turn for the worst. They went from overly excited to seeing each other to not knowing who to trust anymore. 

Once I turned the sound back on my assumptions were true. I started the movie over from the beginning to gain a full understanding of the plot. Bob and Calvin went to school together during their high school days. Calvin had befriended Bob at a time that was the most embarrassing. It turns out Bob was CIA agent and needed Calvin's help to stop the sale of codes to a black market dealer.
I think viewers of familiar shows or movies are always on point with what to expect from the production. If I had watched this movie prior to this assignment, I believe it would have been easier to pinpoint the relationship between the two main characters. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Effective Communicator

When I think of someone who I feel have effective communication skills, I would like to say my Education Coordinator. I choose her because she is very effective at ensuring that her staff is informed on all the important task of the program. We are constantly in staff meetings and training to improve our productivity in our class environments. She also relates to the role of the educator so she always finds creative ways to communicate with her staff and parents. She is a true example of what an effective communicator posses.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hopes and Goals for ECE

In my continuous work with children and families, I hope to grow as an individual. One thing I enjoy about the early childhood field is the flexibility for those who work with children. Working with families from diverse backgrounds will allow me the opportunity to maintain a neutral understanding for the families I work with.  One goal for the early childhood field would be to educate those unfamiliar with diversity. Informing others about the importance of advocacy for young children and families will help the local and national organization understand the work early childhood educators do to implement an environment that is culturally responsive to all diverse backgrounds. I believe this to be the foundation that will expand on social justice throughout the world.

I want to thank all of my colleagues for sharing this journey with me. It was my pleasure to learn intimate details about you all past or present. During the past eight weeks, I have learned more about myself and what I need to do when working with the children and families that I provide a service for. I wish you all the best.