Sunday, March 26, 2017

Applying Communication 
As I reflect on the changes of my communication skills, I would have to say that I have not changed the way I communicate as much as I would like. Thus far in the course, I have gained a deeper understanding of why it's important to communicate effectively in the ECE field. I am able to differentiate the way I communicate with, colleagues, families and in my personal life.  
To expand on my communication between colleagues, there are a few co- workers that I consider family. So with that being said, we have our own language that we speak amongst each other. my supervisor has encouraged us that although we have a bond that is strong amongst us, we have to remain in our role at all times.When I communicate with my families I make sure that I present a professional attitude but it can be hard to do at times. 
Three strategies that I will implement when communicating with my colleagues and families are professionalism at all times, maintain eye contact and apply the platinum rule. In doing so my biggest hope is improve my communication skills with my families especially to ensure that I am helping to fulfill the goals that set forth for their child. Prior to this week's resources, I would have never thought to consider the way others would do in the situation when communicating with them. Implementing these strategies will also allow me to communicate better with my assistant as well.

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