Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hopes and Goals for ECE

In my continuous work with children and families, I hope to grow as an individual. One thing I enjoy about the early childhood field is the flexibility for those who work with children. Working with families from diverse backgrounds will allow me the opportunity to maintain a neutral understanding for the families I work with.  One goal for the early childhood field would be to educate those unfamiliar with diversity. Informing others about the importance of advocacy for young children and families will help the local and national organization understand the work early childhood educators do to implement an environment that is culturally responsive to all diverse backgrounds. I believe this to be the foundation that will expand on social justice throughout the world.

I want to thank all of my colleagues for sharing this journey with me. It was my pleasure to learn intimate details about you all past or present. During the past eight weeks, I have learned more about myself and what I need to do when working with the children and families that I provide a service for. I wish you all the best.

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