Wednesday, October 25, 2017


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This is only the Begining

Message to my fellow Colleagues and Instructor

      Over the past eight weeks, I have grown to understand what it takes to be an advocate, leader, educator, professional, friend, mentor but most importantly a Teacher to young children and Adults. Through this journey, I have been challenged, inspired, frustrated, uncertain and even at times stressed. I must say that it was the constant positive feedback and exchange of new information that has given me the renewed determination to continue to conquer my dreams. In the next year or two, I want to become the administrator that is helping to build and guide other early childhood educators. I want to be the one that provides them the motivation to continue on this journey of educating young children even when it gets hard.

      My long-term goal is to make an impact at the program I currently work for. The staff and Managment there need to be re-inspired due to the constant changes they have undergone. In the next five years, I want to help lift the spirits in the staff, families, and volunteers of those who engage with the children in our program on a daily basis. I want to provide an environment that is always positive, engaging and updated with the latest research and developments in early childhood education. 

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Three things I learned from the program:

           Adults learn at various levels just as children do. As the leader of educators or aspiring educators, one should be equipped with techniques that will assist them in learning the appropriate skills, strategies, and information that will allow them to be high-quality educators.  Secondly, research is always changing in the field of early childhood.One must stay updated with this information in order to provide the children with lessons and activities that will challenge their progress. The third lesson I learned from my time in the program is that great leaders build relationships that will allow them to collaborate effectively and successfully with others. In order to do so, one will have excellent communication skills and the ability to get along with others. With these three learned lessons, I plan to utilize them in developing my techniques as Administration. I believe that these lessons are the foundation that I can build upon and make the impact in others needed to change the lives of young children.

Image result for inspirational quotes for early childhood professionals
Quote for 2017

One thing for certain, this journey may be over but our collaboration doesn't have to. Please keep in mind that we are each exceptional educators because we depend and assist each other. Please do not hesitate to facebook or email at any time. I hope to continue to exchange thoughts, resources and even laughs with you all. Congratulations WE DID IT!!!
Facebook: Brandi Walker Grant

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Internationally Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community

1. United Nations Children's Fund

UNICEF has been defending the rights of children for 70 years. This has been possible across 190 countries and territories, with programs that involve child protection and inclusion, child survival and education to name a few. UNICEF also operate out of their offices around the world. They have offices in various continents of the world.

One career opportunity that stuck out to me is International Professional (IP). To be a candidate for this position one must have a minimum of Masters Degree from an accredited institution. International Professional staff is recruited internationally and serve in duty stations outside their country of nationality. Its a leadership, managerial and/ or specialist position. IP staff are expected to rotate to new duty stations and must be willing to work in various regions and setting, including emergencies. This position varies in levels, from Entry to Senior.

Entry Level- 1-2 years of professional work
Mid Level- 5-8 years of professional work
Senior Level 10+ years of professional work experience

2. Save The Children

Founded by Eglantyne Jebb, the Save the Children fund began in England in the year 1919. In1930 a group of inspired Americans, established the Save the Children fund in the United States. save the Children also provide services for the children from around the world and the UNited States. My main attraction was the work they do for Education. In 2016, Save the Children helped over 13 million children through their education programs, Including more than 58,000 U.S Kids. This was possible through training of the teacher, parents, and caregivers for early learning with their children, to tutoring children for math and reading. The also provided learning experiences through crisis to prevent dropouts or children following behind.

One career opportunity I found interesting was Director position. The Director, Early Childhood and Child Care Recovery Center, was solely responsible for leading child care and school recovery programs for the Hurricane Harvey Response with a particular focus on assessment, recovery and quality improvement. The position will lead the administering of sub-grants and material support to licensed child care and early education providers in TX.  This position will manage proposals, monitoring, and reporting of SC child care and school recovery projects.  The Director will lead assessments, recovery plans, and high-profile collaborations, and will be the media spokesperson for Child Care Recovery related to Hurricane Harvey (

3. United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

UNESCO creates the opportunity for dialogue among civilizations, cultures, and peoples based upon respect for commonly shared values ( UNESCO's mission is to build peace, the eradication of poverty, development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information with two main focuses in Africa and Gender Equality. 

I explored the internship programs of UNESCO. I found that anyone from a wide range of disciplines are all able to apply for individual 1- 4 month internship at UNESCO Headquarters and field Office, either in strategic activities or to an administrative or technical function. This provides professional experiences in an international organization related to one's studies.

My main interest in these three organization is the impact they all make in the lives of young children around the world. With Community of Practices such as those mentioned above, gives me the inspiration to want to expand my local impact to a global movement. Knowing that these organizations are available allows one to do so. 


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

1.Project Director
As Project Director, one is responsible for the leadership and management of the Tribal Home Visting Technical Assistance Center as well as ensuring the effective and timely completion of contract deliverables based on work plans and budgets related to all funding years of the contract. The Director provides for oversight of all staff and consultants engaged in the performance of the work. In addition, this position serves as the primary point of contact with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

 Qualifications for the position are as follows:
Graduate degree in child development, public health, mental health, or a related field.

10 Years or more of Management experience

Resources that advance home visiting programs in the context of tribal sovereignty, diversity, and historical trauma and distrust

Strong management and leadership skills

Strong supervisory skills, including experience providing reflective supervision

 Ability to interpret and analyze data and complex documents

 Experience in overseeing a multimillion-dollar budget

 Excellent conceptual, written and oral skills
Strong interpersonal skills

 Effective time management skills; and

 Ability to travel.

2.FV/Program Specialist
Assist the Manager and Assistant Manager in administering the Child Development Center; directs operation in the absence of the Manager and Assistant Manager; coordinates with the campus and community on early childhood awareness; prepares and maintains reports and health records for college, local, state and federal requirements; oversees health and safety; maintain professional development records for staff. Coordinates with parents and teachers to meet medical/nutrition needs and maintain the proper documentation. Coordinates with campus departments/clubs and the community to spread awareness of the importance of quality early care and education to students and parents of young children who could benefit from the use of the CDLC.

Qualifications for Position is as follows:

Bachelor's degree in Child Development or Early Childhood or child-related area, 

Over five (5) years full-time early childhood classroom experience and relevant supervisory experience. 

First Aid & CPR

Physical Examination

State and Federal  Criminal Examination

3. Assistant Professor: Early Childhood Education
Responsibilities include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, supervising students in school and community-based field experiences, maintaining active scholarship, supporting partnerships with community organizations and schools, and providing service to the Department and the College of Education.

Qualifications for Position is as follows:

D. or Ed.D. in Child Development, Family Studies, Education, Developmental Psychology, or a closely related field

Expertise in developmentally appropriate practice and ECE pedagogy

Experience working in culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse settings 

An established record of scholarly activity and publication


Experience/interest in any of the following areas: preparing teachers for multilingual, multiracial settings, pedagogical content knowledge and teacher education, social justice and equity in ECE

P-3 classroom teaching experience

Familiarity with ECE policies, standards, and workforce development initiatives

University teaching experience in child development or a related area

Experience with diverse populations and/or evidence of cultural competence

The three national organizations that stuck out to me are Zero to Three, Division for Early Childhood and National Child Care Association. Each one of these organizations has a unique mission for their organizations' design but they all share the same goal. That goal is to ensure that the policies and regulations for Early Childhood Education are met and the children and families that they provide services for, are receiving the care and support they need for the child and the family. I was truly drawn to the wide range of availability and or resources that each provides. For example, Zero to Three is stationed in Washington D.C but one is capable of finding countless resources I could use for my work with infants and toddlers.  


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Maryland State Child Care Association  (
MSCCA is a professional association heared for licensed child care and early learning centers in the state of Maryland. This is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) trade association of child care centers. MSCCA provide a professional development for it members center as well educational outreach to the general public.
 This association ensures the laws and regulations are consistent with the quality learning for the current and the parents affordability.

Maryland Family Network

Maryland Family Network (MFN) is an advocate for the development of a strong system for quality child care, early education and family support. In 1985 in response to the rising infant mortality and teen pregnancy rates, the first four community based drop in family support centers were designed by a public/private partnership by Maryland State department of human resources,the Morris Goldseker Foundation and the Aaron and Lillie Straus foundation. Today MFN is the foremost provider to the early childhood community and parent child programs for the families with infant and toddler children.

Judy Center
Judith P.Hoyer early childcare and family Education Center offers wife range of services for children birth through kindergarten and their families prepare v them for school readiness. In 2001, 13 Judy Centers were established in surrounding counties in MD. The state funded integrated, full day and full year early childhood education services and education. There are now 51 Just Centers throughout the state of Maryland. Each of these partnerships are connected to the states public school system, early child care centers,  Head Start programs and other outside agencies such as MFN.

After reviewing these organizations I was made more aware of the potential of growth in the state of Maryland.  That I located the following job oppurrunites. The first one is A Special needs program coordinator. In this position it will be my duty to guide family support for their child with learning delays. One will only need a Bachelors degree in ECE or related field in order to qualify and excellent oral and written skills. This positi o n is also available through Maryland Family Network and for all programs throughout the state.

 The other position that interest me was that through the state level. As Staff Speacialist II, I would be responsible for providing technical assistance, support and coordination of services to early care and education programs. In this position one will conduct onsite consultarion visits and provide information for the states newly appointed quality rating system. To qualify for this position one would need a Bachelors degree in Education or Education Administration or related field. Candidates would also need too have experience with the licensing procedure as well.

I choose to review the above information due to the related factors to administration position. In these organizations and positions I will still have opportunities to make a huge impact of the lives of the the children and families throughout the state.


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Best Wishes to you All

Over the past eight weeks, I have gained so much new information that will improve the way I communicate with others. I want to especially thank my colleagues for always giving me encouraging words and suggestions that will assist in this matter. When I was struggling with ways to improve the communication between myself and my co- teacher. I am glad to announce that since I sat down to talk things over with her the flow of the classroom has become more manageable.   

I hope that in our weekly collaborations that I have supported any if not all the best of my ability.I love how collaborative the Early childhood field is and the support we get and give to one another. One wish i have for my fellow colleagues is that all that you learn through your master's journey is beneficial to the support that you will give to new up and coming child care professionals

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Adjourning Phase of Teamwork

When I think of the adjourning phases of the groups I have been involved,  think back to my team I worked with at the Early Head Start program I use to work at. My first years there were really tough. I worked with the group everyone even the supervisor called the trouble makers. It was really hard trying to build a team when these individuals were used to doing what they wanted to do, especially when management was out. It wasn't until we made some program-wide changes and I was paired up with co- workers who I have never worked with closely.

I was nervous at first because it is never easy building relationships with others especially if they were used to doing things a certain way. Unfortunately, I did not have this problem with these individuals. We worked together as a unit it was seen by others. In fact, this was one of the hardest groups to leave. Although my co- workers were pushing me to accept another position because they believed in me, it was still very hard to leave them.
It was hard to leave them because the women were very inspiring to each other, supportive and creative. They were never a moment that I didn't want to be at work because daily I was reminded of what I was capable of achieving in my career as well my life.

The only thing I wish was done prior to my leaving, is an exit interview. Here i would have been able to share with administration the things that work best with the team and the things that could use improvement. I think sharing this information is the best way to improve the adjourning phase of teamwork throughout the program. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Real Life Situations

I am currently in a situation with my co- teacher and her ability to support and fulfill the duties of the assistant. Although she is not a full-time employee of the company, she is looked upon as being one. It bothers me that she doesn't share the same passion that I have for implementing a smooth running classroom. At times I feel as I'm working alone. So to my surprise to have read this week's resources, I have found some strategies that will allow me to address the issue at hand.

The first strategy I will implement is the nonviolent approach.This approach to communication emphasizes compassion as the motivation for action rather than fear, guilt, shame, blame, coercion,threat or justification for punishment (The Center for Nonviolence, n.d). I believe this will allow me to communicate constructive criticism without feeling as if I out to take her job from her. 

The second strategy I would implement would be to allow opportunities for her to lead the classroom. In doing so It will give her more insight on what Lead Teachers role consist of and how important the role of Co- Teacher is to the lead role. For this strategy, the Three R's will be the best fit to resolve the issue. As I Respect her approach to teaching, I will be able to respond to the needs of her as well the children. In the end, the result will be a well-oiled teaching team.

Again, I am grateful for this week's resources for the insight on how to address the issue. I know feel more confident in addressing the issue and a professional manner. Unfortunately, I was not able to gain advice from other teacher teams because they all were trying to get rid of the teacher. I did not want to do that but make her more aware of the support needed in the class environment.


The Center for Nonviolent Communication. (n.d.). The center for nonviolent communication. Retrieved from