Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Real Life Situations

I am currently in a situation with my co- teacher and her ability to support and fulfill the duties of the assistant. Although she is not a full-time employee of the company, she is looked upon as being one. It bothers me that she doesn't share the same passion that I have for implementing a smooth running classroom. At times I feel as I'm working alone. So to my surprise to have read this week's resources, I have found some strategies that will allow me to address the issue at hand.

The first strategy I will implement is the nonviolent approach.This approach to communication emphasizes compassion as the motivation for action rather than fear, guilt, shame, blame, coercion,threat or justification for punishment (The Center for Nonviolence, n.d). I believe this will allow me to communicate constructive criticism without feeling as if I out to take her job from her. 

The second strategy I would implement would be to allow opportunities for her to lead the classroom. In doing so It will give her more insight on what Lead Teachers role consist of and how important the role of Co- Teacher is to the lead role. For this strategy, the Three R's will be the best fit to resolve the issue. As I Respect her approach to teaching, I will be able to respond to the needs of her as well the children. In the end, the result will be a well-oiled teaching team.

Again, I am grateful for this week's resources for the insight on how to address the issue. I know feel more confident in addressing the issue and a professional manner. Unfortunately, I was not able to gain advice from other teacher teams because they all were trying to get rid of the teacher. I did not want to do that but make her more aware of the support needed in the class environment.


The Center for Nonviolent Communication. (n.d.). The center for nonviolent communication. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brandi
    Situations with co-workers can be very hard. If you read my post this week I also talked about a situation with one of my co-workers.
    I think that what may have helped my situation was for my co-worker to use some compassion in the way that she spoke to me, sometimes she did not use a lot of tact in the way that she would speak to me. I feel that sometimes just the way she spoke to me put me up on defense. I would also say something that was helpful was reframing or repeating things that were said so that I understood that she understood me.
    I wish you good luck in this situation!!
