Saturday, September 24, 2016

More on Zero to Three Website

As I continued to explore the website of Zero to Three organization, I found that they have a section for professional development. They offer continuing education units to help you meet the required licensing standards for your particular role in the center. The professional development can be conducted in group settings, webinars or customized to your individual needs.
What I love about this website is that if you do not see a certain topic or resource that you can utilize the search tab to find the information you need. For this week’s topic, I was able to find resources that will help me gain a better understanding. Once I conducted the search I was given resources, such as articles, service centers, and tools that I could use on my on time.

One insight that I gain while I explored the website was a tab that led me to the policy resource information. Here I was able to find resources that could help me understand the policy of early childhood programs that service infants and toddlers.  I could also research what programs in other states are using or how they making a change in their programs as well.  Another insight that I gained was how the website offers training for administrators and mental health. 


Sunday, September 18, 2016

                        War on Poverty
Prior to this week I honestly thought that poverty was something that happened to folks that had bad luck. Never would have thought that it is an epidemic that is sweeping children and families around the world.  As instructed I made weekly contact with my fellow educator Jane from Kenya. Jane is an early childhood educator who currently works and leads a community school, for children ages 3-9.

When I discussed poverty with her it helps me to realize how this has begun to take over communities around the world. In my conversation with her, Jane expressed how poverty is affecting their families. Many are not able to provide the basic needs for their families.  Unemployment is high as well due to the lack of families obtaining an education. One thing she believes will decrease poverty in her country is educating her people from young to university level on the importance of education.

My eyes have truly been open to the issue of poverty. Poverty is like a virus it spreads around to the weakest system and spreads fast.  I have grown to learn about numerous resources that are national and worldwide assist to families in poverty. With this knowledge, I plan to utilize it to the best of my ability to help as many families strive for a change.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Web Resources     
Great nephew 1yr
Daughter 20 mths

Zero to Three

Sunday, September 4, 2016

ECE Resources from Around the World

This week I was encouraged to reach out to another Early Childhood Professional from another country. My first reaction was, this profession is worldwide. I never thought that other countries needed early childhood education. This was shocking news to me. So the task was now how do I go about finding two individuals to make the connection with. I thought this would be a very difficult task. I was grateful to my professor for providing a starting point because it led me to a page on facebook entitled Teachers Around the World Pre-school Pen- Pals. Here on this page, i felt confident that I would be able to meet the requirements but  I was not successful. Then I tried Walden University Early Childhood Organization (WUECO). Here I was able to make a connection with some from Nanyuki who came highly recommended from another group member.

The one website that I would like to study is Zero to Three. I choose this website due to the career change I will be making. I will be transitioning from Head Start to Early Head start late this fall as the agency I currently work for is in the process of opening a small center. I feel that Zero to Three organization will be a great resource to have as i begin this journey with Infants and Toddlers. 
