Sunday, September 18, 2016

                        War on Poverty
Prior to this week I honestly thought that poverty was something that happened to folks that had bad luck. Never would have thought that it is an epidemic that is sweeping children and families around the world.  As instructed I made weekly contact with my fellow educator Jane from Kenya. Jane is an early childhood educator who currently works and leads a community school, for children ages 3-9.

When I discussed poverty with her it helps me to realize how this has begun to take over communities around the world. In my conversation with her, Jane expressed how poverty is affecting their families. Many are not able to provide the basic needs for their families.  Unemployment is high as well due to the lack of families obtaining an education. One thing she believes will decrease poverty in her country is educating her people from young to university level on the importance of education.

My eyes have truly been open to the issue of poverty. Poverty is like a virus it spreads around to the weakest system and spreads fast.  I have grown to learn about numerous resources that are national and worldwide assist to families in poverty. With this knowledge, I plan to utilize it to the best of my ability to help as many families strive for a change.

1 comment:

  1. I too had the misconception that poverty happens to those who have bad luck. That had always been my experience. Life is a constant up and down and all what we make of it, but sometimes despite our efforts, things happen and we cannot move forward. Poverty truly is an epidemic.
