Saturday, September 10, 2016

Web Resources     
Great nephew 1yr
Daughter 20 mths

Zero to Three

Zero to Three is a great resource for those who work directly with families with infant and toddlers.
Their whole organization is geared to ensuring that educators, parents, community officials and 
policy officials are made aware of the needs of these young children. Although Infants and toddlers 
do not have a voice, Zero To Three is about making connections that strengthen families, improving the lives of babies and toddlers, and ensuring all children get a healthy start in life (

A few things caught my attention as I browsed through the website. Zero to three website is very organized and self-explanatory. I admire how easy it is to navigate the website. There are four main tabs at the very top of the website that guide you to the proper resource. I also liked how they offer professional development in various areas , including this week's topic on Diversity. This is one resource that can be utilized by all parties in early childhood. 
10mths  18mths


  1. Brandi
    I also choose the Zero to Three web site, and felt that it was very easy to navigate. I really enjoyed looking for articles and feel that they offer many good resources for professionals as well as families. LOVE the pictures you shared this week!

  2. Brandi,
    I too choose the same organization and it offers very informative articles they as a parent and teacher can use at home and at school.
