Sunday, April 2, 2017

Evaluation as a Communicator

For this week's blog assignment, I had my daughter and co-worker complete the three assessments on my communication skills. It was funny to find the similarities that we shared as I reviewed the results with the both of them. The test was conducted individually but the results were similar to each other. As I conducted my own evaluation, I tried to recall any opportunities where I portrayed the actions of the question. Then if I had not I would choose an option that was closely related to what I would do. When I asked my daughter how she conducted the evaluation, she expressed to me that she too tried to recall situations that she may have seen me to any of the actions the questions may have asked.  I then asked my co-worker for the reason she responded to the question and she bluntly replied: "I just answered the questions to the best of my ability". Afterward, we laugh so hard because she is not a detailed person, yet be able to explain her reasoning to well.

What surprised me the most is that I am perceived by my family and co-workers in a way that I also see myself. This was not the outcome that I was expecting to have. It feels good to know that people close to me know the type of communicator that I am and that it shows through my interaction with them. One new insight that I gained this week, Is how easy people are perceived by others without actually knowing them. Just as the professor shared her story on how the doctor was looked upon before she shared who he was,  let me know that our society is really bias and ignorant to things that are not of their normal life. In the near future, I would like to expand my knowledge on the variety of things, lifestyles, cultures, and events that occur in the world I live in today.

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